We’re On Air!
- Katchi Kumi
- March 23rd, 2024
- News Updates
Hello again all. Another state of the station update. We are on the air. Our regular rotation set has been broadcasting for a couple weeks now, and everything seems to be going great. The stream has been tested on various devices and browsers and have not experienced any glitches at all. The website is done, and our schedule is up too. Nothing set in stone about the shows nor times, but we will see how it goes. Also the community portion is done too. Featuring a full social style profile, two chat rooms, a full featured discussion forum and more. Just got to do some extra testing before registrations are opened up, which should be next week when the Grand Opening will be taking place. Plus we got the PWA (progressive web application) done already, installed and tested 100 percent. When you come onto the site it will (depending on device and browser) ask if you want to install it. No store needed.
Future plans to get the CINZ app on the various platforms is in the works, so you can download it and install it through Microsoft, Google Play and Apple. Will be posting as those options become available. We will be getting the station listed in as many web radio directories as possible, so you will have every available method to access us.
Until next time, keep on enjoying The Sweet Sounds of CINZ. 😉 🙂
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