Just The FAQs

You can listen to CINZ right on this site using the player at the bottom. Simply press the center CINZ logo in the circle and the stream will start playing. There is volume to the left of the logo if you need to adjust it. Alternatively you can listen on our Zeno page. We are also listed on several major radio directory sites and apps (listed in the Links page).

Send us your details, musician or band name and contact information and we will get back to you with where to sent the track. Track must be in the mp3 format.

Yes you can. We want to reach out to as many listeners as possible and every bit helps out. Contact us if you want the official information, stream link, ect. if you are having difficulty locating it.

Unfortunately the ads on our station is out of our control at the moment. If the advertisement was offensive (ie hate oriented) or was seriously misinformed contact our stream host and let them know. The stream host is through Zeno.FM.

If you want to help out the stations financial costs please use the “Support Us” button on top to make a donation. All funds go directly towards the station for domain and hosting costs. Your donations help out a lot and are very much appreciated.

CINZ  NET Radio has a full featured PWA, which you can download directly from the site (prompted upon visiting). It gives you all the features of the site, and you can listen to the station on your device where ever you go, providing you have internet connection of course.

  • https://stream.zeno.fm/6cyjqwlkz4ptv?nocache=1
  • https://cinz.net
  • CINZ
  • Livestream